Understanding the AutoRotate Method
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The AutoRotate Feature provides automated processing of Performers after their Performance has ended.


You may choose from FOUR AutoRotate Methods...

1. Select - You are given the opportunity to "Select" your desired processing after each Performance

Rotate - Rotates the Performer to the Last Position and moves the Next Performer UP.  
Stay - No processing takes place. Performer remains on Stage.  
Delete - Performer is deleted from the Rotation, Next Performer is Moved UP.  
2. Rotate - After each Performance, the Performer is automatically Rotated to the BOTTOM of the Rotation and the Next Performer is Moved UP.

3. Delete - After each Performance, the Performer is automatically Deleted from the Rotation and the Next Performer is Moved UP.

4. Auto - Launch the AutoPlay Controller allowing for unattended operation.
( See "Using the AutoPlay Controller")